Monday, March 29, 2010
Less is More..........Really???
So Balmain is probably one of the biggest and hottest high end premium brands on the market today ( especially if ur a celebrity ) But i can't help but be a little WTF? about this particular piece, the slashed army t-shirt as its called, is selling for 1,625$ U.S. Don't get me wrong, i totally love Balmain, and am a big fan of their product, but this just puts a whole new spin on '' paying for a name brand '' . Then again i'm almost sure this is more of a show piece, and they probably don't sell truck loads of these, but its still kind of over the top. But hey, if you can afford this tee shirt, why not check out this Alligator Military inspired Jacket, its only a few bucks more...anyone got 74,000 Gizzies layin around? :)
Le Grand Monde de la mode...c'est fou en tsi tsi! Gotta luv it!