Monday, July 26, 2010

Epic is an Understatement...

So i'm back from my tour of Italy...back physically that is...mentally...not so much. The 18 days spent traveling around small towns, big cities, stunning beaches, swimming the most beautiful oceans, bumping into dolphins, burning sun on our faces, while of course eating the most delicious foods, tasting the sweetest wines and spirits, capping it with those espresso's none the likes of which i've tasted besides italy's, gelato to make ur taste buds rattle, and yes, i managed to shop and do the stores as well, having not would have been a sin. The amount of inspiration gathered in these couple of weeks cannot be described in words, so i'd rather show it in my works as i get ready for launches, new collections, photo shoots, and all that pretty fun stuff.

Above is a lil' taste of stuff i've seen and captured with my lens which never left my side. I'll post some other pics from time to time, keep checkin' in. Things will be hectic for the next few weeks as well, as i get ready for European Distributions, but i'll be up and bloggin when i can, cause i do enjoy it, and luv the meantime...stay sizzling my friends! My tan is a golden brown right now...jealous? ;)

Ciao Ciao